About our Bureau

About our Bureau

Hamilton Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, impartial and confidential advice to residents of Hamilton and the wider South Lanarkshire Area.  We provide practical support and guidance on a range of everyday topics, giving people the information they need with any situation they may be facing. Whether it is a bit of information to get on and tackle the issue yourself or more intensive support you need, our highly trained advisors can help.

Every year Hamilton Citizens Advice Bureau works with over 3300 clients and helps resolve over 14000 issues. As a registered charity, we rely on donations and the work of our volunteers to continue to provide these important services.

Hamilton Citizens Advice Bureau

We’ve been open since 1970 and we’re part of the Scottish Citizens Advice network, which has been offering advice and support since 1939. Together we advise over 300,000 people on the best way to sort out their problems every year - that’s 1 in every 14 adults.

We can offer advice, guidance and information in a number of different areas, including benefits, consumer issues, immigration, workplace disputes and much more. See our services section for more information.

We also offer the following specialist services:

We have 51 staff and volunteers working as advisers and helping behind the scenes. Everyone you meet at Hamilton Citizens Advice Bureau has had a minimum of six months of training, so they are well-equipped to give you advice on a wide range of problems and issues.

Meet our advisers, or find out more about volunteering with us.

Expert advice - every time

As a member of the Scottish Citizens Advice network, the service we deliver must always meet national standards. This means you’ll receive a professional service, every single time you talk to us.

Our advisers undergo extensive training to make sure you receive the best quality of advice, whatever your issue may be. The Citizens Advice Scotland competency-based Adviser Training Programme is renowned in the voluntary sector and beyond.

Our advisers also have access to the AdviserNet Information System. This valuable resource provides a wealth of information on everything from employment and benefits to housing and debt. Access to this independent, trusted and quality assured information means our advisers can always offer you the most up-to-date advice.

In addition to our training and resources, the quality and training team at Citizens Advice Scotland regularly review the advice we offer, via a bureau audit. This makes sure we continue to meet the high standards required of a Citizens Advice Bureau.

Our charity status

Every bureau within the Scottish Citizens Advice network is a registered charity, and depends on support from the public to continue to offer advice to improve people’s lives.

As a charity, we are open and transparent about our accounts and governance structure. The minutes of our Annual General Meeting (AGM) are also published online each year.

Get advice

There are a number of ways you can get advice from Hamilton Citizens Advice Bureau. You can call, Email Us or you can make an appointment to come in for a face-to-face appointment.

We aim to respond to messages within two working days.

We offer home visits.

Making a complaint

If you want to make a complaint about Hamilton Citizens Advice Bureau contact us directly. You can also read more about our complaints procedure.